sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

Blog migrates language

Begining today, every new entry created in this blog will be written in my mother's language: spanish.
Every existing entry will be translated to spanish, step by step.


Translation to english avoids me to express myself easily and accurately and it's a very time consuming process. Some of my sentences could appear confussing, since I often need some language acrobatics to try to re-build every thought using known words.

I saw a lot of people translating my pages from english to other diverse languages so, I hope this wouldn't be an inconvenience.

Spanish is one of the three more speaken languages around the world and, while there is a bunch of pages describing wiring in english, there are really very few doing it in spanish so, I think I would contribute better to cover some language gap here.

Sorry for any inconvenience to any potential current reader.

It took me two months to translate every entry to Spanish but, I finally did it.
You can alway use the google language translation tools.
Thank you.

----- ( en Español) ----------

Me ha llevado 2 meses traducir todas las entradas, que estaban originalmente en inglés, al español.
Espero que mi esfuerzo se vea recompensado y, este blog sea de mayor utilidad a la comunidad hispanoparlante.
Ya existe mucha información en inglés pero, muy poca en Español.
