Line 6 ofrece el plugin POD Farm ¡¡¡ GRATIS !!!!.
¡Increíble!. Esta oferta finaliza al final de Septiembre del 2009. Corre a y bájatelo, que no se te escape.
He tenido una pedalera Line6 POD X3 Live. El POD Farm se basa en dicha unidad. Reconozco que el POD es realmente difícil de manejar hasta obtener algún tono usable pero, una vez que lo consigues, el tono es convincente.
Si no te gustan los amplificadores modelados, puedes siempre echar mano de los pedales de efecto y de los efectos de rack que también incluye. Los pedales están bastante mejor modelados que los amplificadores (en mi opinión).
Qué bien. Acabó de instalar el Digidesign Music Production Toolkit 2 que, ha actualizado mi versión gratuita del plugin Eleven a la versión así que, ahora he tenido la oportunidad de comprobar los amplificadores modelados y, me gusta el producto pero, no hay pedales, por lo que POD Farm puede ser un buen complemento al Eleven.
¡Gracias, Line 6!
I downloaded and installed the free POD FARM.

- The installer doesn't recognices the standard VST folder so, be sure to change the path.
- The installer deploys the RTAS plugins ALWAYS in Common Files folder, even if the Operative System in other language. So, I had to move the RTAS files to the DAE\Plugin folder that is actually using Pro Tools.
I owned a POD X3 Live so, I can compare the POD Farm plugin with the X3 Live.
The X3 Live unit was hard to tweak, there is always some inconsistency between the volume of patches. I found the same issue with the patches of POD Farm. The main difference is that the interface is more user-friendly so, to adjust the patches is way easier in the POD Farm.
I checked the amps, re-amping one track that I already had re-amped with Eleven. The differences between amps aren't so clear as in the X3 Live. In the X3 Live, each amp had a very marked character but, in the case of the POD Farm, practically all overdriven amps sound quite well the same, maybe with less gain some, maybe with more gain others but, the inherent character of each amp is lost in some way.
I checked then the stomp boxes and, these, I find them better implemented. I still have to make a deeper test, because not every stomp box or rack effect was checked.
Overall, I prefere the amp emulations from the Eleven plugin than those coming with the POD Farm. But, Eleven doesn't includes stomp boxes or rack effects while POD Farm includes a bunch so, this wouldn't be my Amp modeler plugin but it can be really useful when talking about effects.
The sound of the patches lack some mojo, except for the preset that came with the program, that include a complete rig (pre-amp, amp, cab, stomp boxes, racks, etc). I had more "real" feeling with those amps modeled in IK Multimedia Amplitube or even in Eleven. So, my search for one good amp modeling plugin is still on hold. I need to compare the IK Amplitube 2 with the Soft Tube Amp Room plugins against the Digidesign Eleven.
But, man, IS FOR FREE until September 30th so... get it now!, you really don't know when it will help you in a mix.
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